The Way of the CypherMonks
I suppose we ought to introduce ourselves in this first blog post ❤
We are two artists, Ülla and Ray, who’ve recently teamed up to bring you CypherMonks, an NFT experience via the Cardano blockchain. On September 12, 2021, shortly after the Cardano HFC (hardfork) event, CypherMonk Zero emerged along with the Preface of CypherMonks, First Contact.
The NFT sold to an anonymous cypherpunk shortly there-after and you can greet CypherMonk Zero on the blockchain, at its new owner’s address here.
Today the first fragment of The Way is revealed. The Way is the CypherMonks “roadmap”. As each fragment of the CypherMonks Way comes to light, we will share it prompty, both here and in updating the official CypherMonks site!
And in just a few days (On October 2) we will open the doors for our Social Gatherings (Reddit and Discord). Until then, have a peak at The Way below (or on our site) and we hope you join us in the coming days, weeks, or months, on our little pixel’d path, as the CypherMonks story continues to emerge!
❤ Ülla and Ray